Choose to be Happy


Life is too short to not do the things that make you happy. We always

tend to focus on the bigger picture and subsequently don’t notice the

importance of living right now. What moves you? What inspires you to be

better? At any given moment, life can be ripped right out of our hands.

Now what if I said, you only had a certain amount of time to live?

Would you start living differently? How so?

Your time here is limited, so start living your life to the absolute

fullest. Do the things that make your heart pound out of your chest. Be

spontaneous, forgive, forget and always move forward. Don’t waste your

energy on negative circumstances and toxic relationships.

Life is only as complicated as we make it. Heal your heart and

motivate others to do the same. The people who are meant to be in your

life will gravitate toward you.

Be happy. Spread good energy. Love who you want to love and do

whatever it is that puts joy in your heart.