5 Hard-Learned Love Lessons


While there are very few guarantees in life and love, one thing’s for

sure. Along the road toward happily ever after, there will be plenty of

bumps. But that doesn’t necessarily make the journey unpleasant. In fact,

some of the lessons you learn in life and love may be hard to swallow, but

ultimately make you a stronger, healthier, and happier individual. What

follows are five hard-learned love lessons. See which ones you’ve already

encountered, as well as the ones you’ve yet to experience.

Lesson #1: Some Relationships are Temporary

When you acknowledge that some relationships are temporary, you learn

to stop blaming yourself for what you perceive as relationship failures. And

instead see them for what they are – valuable life lessons. It’s probably

clear that the relationships that ended were with partners who weren’t your

perfect match.

Maybe your personalities didn’t mesh, your goals and future vision were not

aligned, or your priorities conflicted. As painful as these breakups can be,

they happen for a reason. Not only that, but if you’re totally honest with

yourself, you’ll admit that you’re much better off as a result of the

relationship and breakup than you would have been had you never

experienced the love and loss in the first place.

Lesson #2: Learn/Apply your Lessons Quickly

Just as breakups happen for a reason, the lessons you learn as a result of

heartache are valuable as well. For example, you may never have known

the importance of being with someone who makes you a priority had you

not gone through a relationship where your partner put work, friends, and

hobbies before you. Or you may not have realized the importance of

healthy family relationships until you dated someone whose family life was

incredibly dysfunctional. Not only is it important to identify the lessons you

learn along the journey toward happily ever after, but you owe it to yourself

to apply the lessons learned, paying attention to red flags as they are

revealed to you in the future.

Lesson #3: Your partner Cannot fix you or your Life

Once upon a time, women were raised to believe that Prince Charming

would one day swoop in on a white steed and save them from whatever

they didn’t like about themselves or their lives. In fact, if your perfect

partner were to arrive in the middle of your messy and miserable life,

chances are he would make a hasty retreat. Which is why it’s essential to

take steps to fix whatever it is that you don’t enjoy about your life, starting

today. If you don’t like your job, do something about it. If you’re burdened

by debt, take steps to remedy the situation, day by day, week by week.

Don’t expect some guy to solve your problems or rescue you from your

everyday existence. It’s just not going to happen. Instead, it’s up to you to

rescue yourself.

Lesson #4: Figure out What Really Makes you Happy

Since it’s unlikely that your perfect partner will magically appear and save

the day, it’s essential that you figure out what makes you happy – today!

Once you do, empower yourself to take the necessary steps to change

your life accordingly. By creating and embracing a life you love, you’re all

the more likely to attract the love of your life. In doing so, you increase your

chances of relationship success, because both you and your partner were

happy as individuals before coming together as a couple.

Lesson #5: Time Between Relationships is just as Valuable as being

in a Relationship

We all know someone who floats from partner to partner, relationship to

relationship. However, this kind of behavior is not something to envy.

Truthfully, time between relationships is just as important to your personal

growth as time spent in relationships. By taking time after a breakup to

heal, learn your lessons, and get to know the new you that’s emerging as a

result of those life experiences, you give yourself the opportunity to grow as

an individual. Plus, you discover your own resilience, something you’d

never experience if you floated from partner to partner. It’s these life

lessons that ultimately make you a better person and eventually a better

partner in your next relationship. Don’t cheat yourself out of valuable ME

time between breakups. You’ll miss out on so much!